31 Mar Ductless Questions Answered
Many people have similar questions and concerns when considering Ductless Air Conditioner & Heating Systems. Here are some answers to common questions that we hope to put your mind at ease. Call us for a consultation: 210.599.2900
How long does it take to install?
Depending on your requirements, the actual process of Air Repair Heating & AC installing your system is likely to be only a day or two.
Air Repair Heating & AC is a qualified Mitsubishi Diamond Contractor, the world’s leading brand of Ductless Air Conditioning Systems. We have gone through the highest level of accreditation from the manufacturer in order to ensure we provide reliable, top-notch service in San Antonio. Our residential installation team will install and maintain your Ductless AC Comfort System professionally and competently.
Is there a lot of cutting and drilling?
No…..One of the great features of a Ductless Cooling & Heating system is its ease of installation. We can usually install a system in about a day. There is little to no ductwork required so you don’t have to worry about disorder in your home, interrupting your life or costly remodeling expenses. The sleek indoor unit mounts discreetly within the space, a pair of refrigerant lines plus power and control wiring connecting it to the outdoor unit through a small three-inch opening in the wall.
How does a heat pump produce heat?
Ductless systems employ the same mechanical components as any basic air-conditioning/heating system whose interactions cause the process of evaporation to occur. Our systems employ a split-ductless design, which simply means the indoor unit is separated from the outdoor unit and is connected by a gas and a liquid refrigerant line. The outdoor unit is considered the hot-side during the air-conditioning/heating process. The cold-side unit is located indoors. In the heating process the compressor reverses this operation, and the heat energy is evaporated in the outdoor unit. Then the indoor unit collects this heat energy while a fan blows air over the indoor coil and distributes the warm air into the room.
How long does the filter last and where do we buy them?
You do not have to buy filters and change them yourselves, as one of our valued clients your filters will be changed by our trained service/maintenance staff during your regularly scheduled maintenance visit. How long a filter lasts is determined by the type of system you have in your home which varies. Maintaining your equipment’s efficiency will save you money in the long run by eliminating your need for emergency service calls and by keeping your system running smoothly. A system operating at peak efficiency will keep your energy costs down and your home comfy cozy. You can Talk to an Air Repair Heating & AC representative anytime about our service and maintenance plans.
Why are they so energy efficient?
Our ductless heating/cooling systems use, INVERTER driven compressors which ramp up quickly, providing the energy necessary to achieve the cooling or heating demand of the zone. Then, working in tandem with system controls and sensors, the INVERTER compressor varies its speed to maintain the desired comfort level. Thus, the system performs at only the minimum energy levels necessary and does not waste electricity when partial-load conditions are present, which is 97% of the time in most locations.
Thanks to this advanced zoning technology, one outdoor unit can run up to four separate indoor heating and cooling units. Ductless Comfort Technology ensures that the systems use the exact amount of energy needed to cool or heat an area. Each unit automatically responds to temperature changes. This means that you will be able to reduce your energy consumption and save even more.
Mitsubishi’s Ductless Cooling and Heating Air Conditioning systems have been found to be over 30% more efficient than standard window air-conditioning units. At Air Repair Heating & AC, we are also proud to announce that, for the majority of our installations, we are able to provide products that meet, or even exceed, the strict ENERGY STAR® requirements.
Do they come in different colors?
At this time each unit comes in white which we have found to be the most unobtrusive in most homes as the units are installed up near the ceiling and above your site line. However, it is possible to paint indoor units to more closely match your interior if so desired. You are welcome to speak with an Air Repair Heating & AC representative anytime for advice.
Are there any other options than the wall mount unit?
Yes…we have several solutions to meet your needs, but for more detailed information call us today for a free consultation.
Ducted Style: When a ducted model is selected as the indoor unit that best fits your needs, it can easily be installed either in the ceiling or beneath the floor in a crawl space or basement. This style accommodates the use of short duct runs and registers to deliver and return air from the space to the unit.
Floor-Standing Style: The floor-standing model attaches to the wall six inches above the floor in areas where there is minimal or no wall space. Because Ductless Systems allow you to control the temperature in individual rooms, you avoid the energy waste of having to cool or heat rooms you are not using.
Ceiling Mounted Style: The ceiling mounted style units are ceiling-concealed with the ability to attach to ductwork, and the new height of only nine and 7/8 inches allows for more installation flexibility than ever before. The units can be connected to ventilation air and provide individual zone control.
Can you add more than one indoor unit to and outdoor unit?
Absolutely, multiple indoor units can run off of a single outdoor unit, how many is determined by each of our clients’ individual needs. Ductless Systems give you the most advanced technology that allows you to enjoy more precise comfort in one or multiple rooms – while saving on energy bills and contributing to a greener planet. Call us today for a free evaluation of your home.
Who do we call if we need service?
You call Air Repair Heating & AC of course…….Our trained staff arrives at your home on time and is prepared to help you. We have a dedicated residential service staff that not only services our ductless systems, but also installs them. This allows our staff to focus 100% on a single solution and be experts on the entire process.
Maintaining your equipment’s efficiency will save you money in the long run by eliminating your need for emergency service calls and by keeping your system running smoothly. A system operating at peak efficiency will keep your energy costs down and your home comfy cozy.
Do you do the installation or are they done by sub contractors?
We never use sub contractors, we have a dedicated residential service staff that not only services our ductless systems, but also installs them. This allows our staff to focus 100% on a single solution and be experts on the entire process.
We also fully support the Mitsubishi Diamond Contractor network by routinely sending our personnel for training. The Mitsubishi Diamond Contractor network allows you, the consumer, to have confidence in the fact that Air Repair Heating & AC has gone through hundreds of hours of training and testing.
What is a zone vs. a room?
With our ductless heating/cooling systems each room becomes a zone, meaning you have the ability to choose independently which rooms you are heating or cooling at any given moment so you never waste energy heating or cooling a room you are not using. With a traditional system you don’t have that option; many homes have only one or two thermostats (zones) controlling the whole home which means wasting precious energy for rooms that aren’t being used, not so with ductless systems, with our ductless heating/cooling solutions, each room becomes an oasis of comfort.
Will the system need to be maintained on a regular basis?
Yes, in order to keep your system running at peak efficiency it is of the utmost importance to have regular maintenance checks. Maintaining your equipment’s efficiency will save you money in the long run by eliminating your need for emergency service calls and by keeping your system running smoothly. A system operating at peak efficiency will keep your energy costs down and your home comfy cozy.